Mediation for Divorce/Family Law Matters

Mediation for Divorce/Family Law Matters in Tacoma and the Rest of Pierce County:

A mediator is an independent attorney hired by the parties. The role of the mediator is typically to meet and hear from both sides privately. The mediator goes back and forth between the parties listening to the parties explain their positions, concerns, and goals. A discussion follows, facilitated by the mediator, where parties share their perspectives and engage in negotiation. Throughout the session, the mediator helps identify areas of agreement, facilitates negotiation, and assists in problem-solving. If agreements are reached, the mediator may help draft these agreements into a legally binding document known as a CR2A agreement. Finally, the session concludes with a review of any agreements, discussion of next steps, and closure. Overall, mediation provides a structured and collaborative environment for parties to communicate, negotiate, and potentially resolve their differences with the assistance of a neutral mediator.

The role of a mediator in a divorce is to facilitate communication and negotiation between the divorcing parties to help them reach agreements on key issues without going to trial. Here’s a breakdown of the mediator’s role:

  1. Neutral Facilitator: The mediator acts as a neutral third party who does not take sides or make decisions for the parties. Instead, they help guide the discussion and maintain a constructive atmosphere for negotiation.
  2. Communication Facilitator: The mediator assists the parties in expressing their concerns, needs, and preferences in a respectful and productive manner. They help ensure that both parties have the opportunity to be heard and understood.
  3. Problem-Solver: The mediator helps identify areas of disagreement and explore potential solutions. They may offer suggestions or propose creative options to help the parties find common ground and reach compromises.
  4. Information Provider: The mediator may provide information about legal rights, options, and the potential consequences of various decisions. This helps ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the issues at hand and can make informed decisions.
  5. Drafting Agreements: If the parties reach agreements on certain issues during mediation, the mediator may assist in drafting the terms of these agreements in a legally binding document called a CR2A Agreement.
  6. Supportive Environment: The mediator creates a safe and supportive environment where the parties can openly discuss sensitive issues and work towards resolution without fear of judgment or hostility.
  7. Manage Process: The mediator manages the mediation process, including scheduling sessions, setting agendas, and ensuring that discussions remain focused and productive.
  8. Empowerment: The mediator empowers the parties to take ownership of the decisions that affect their lives and futures. They encourage self-determination and autonomy in the negotiation process.

Overall, the mediator’s role is to facilitate a constructive and collaborative dialogue between the parties, guiding them towards mutually acceptable solutions that address their needs and interests.

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